1. Are you certified by the Truck Training schools Association of Ontario?
2. Are you registered as a private career college and are your programs approved as vocational under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005?
3. Is the training one on one?
4. Is all training done in both tandem tractors and trailers?
5. Is the student trained on more than one gear pattern? (A student should be trained on at least two shift patterns- 9 or 10 speed and 13 speed)
6. Does the school have a written and oral interview acceptance program?
7. Does the school have a third party auditing their facility?
8. Does the school keep report sheets on each student which are signed by both student and instructor? (Ask to see these forms!)
9. Is the classroom ratio of students to instructors small?
10. How many hours of on-the-road driving is given to each student?
11. How many hours of theory are given?
1. Are you certified by the Truck Training schools Association of Ontario?
2. Are you registered as a private career college and are your programs approved as vocational under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005?
3. Is the training one on one?
4. Is all training done in both tandem tractors and trailers?
5. Is the student trained on more than one gear pattern? (A student should be trained on at least two shift patterns- 9 or 10 speed and 13 speed)
6. Does the school have a written and oral interview acceptance program?
7. Does the school have a third party auditing their facility?
8. Does the school keep report sheets on each student which are signed by both student and instructor? (Ask to see these forms!)
9. Is the classroom ratio of students to instructors small?
10. How many hours of on-the-road driving is given to each student?
11. How many hours of theory are given?